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Skill Training Center| Placement Service | NSDC Training Center | Computer Courses | Beautician Courses | Tailoring Courses | Referral Services for Skilled Workers | National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) | Mega Skills | Vocational Training Centers | Telecom Sector Courses | Placement Drive | Training Export Marketing | Marketing & Financial Supports for SHG | Vocational Training Programs | Training Skill Supports | One - Stop Shop | Wage Eployement | Bank Linkage and Loaning Support | Hand Pump Repairing Courses | Skilled Workers & Unskilled Workers | Publicity & Awareness Programmes |Institute of skill Development | Placemnet Help Line Number 9828817027
Skill Training Center| Placement Service | NSDC Training Center | Computer Courses | Beautician Courses | Tailoring Courses | Referral Services for Skilled Workers | National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) | Mega Skills | Vocational Training Centers | Telecom Sector Courses | Placement Drive | Training Export Marketing | Marketing & Financial Supports for SHG | Vocational Training Programs | Training Skill Supports | One - Stop Shop | Wage Eployement | Bank Linkage and Loaning Support | Hand Pump Repairing Courses | Skilled Workers & Unskilled Workers | Publicity & Awareness Programmes |Institute of skill Development | Placemnet Help Line Number 9828817027

Our Mission

To rapidly scale up skill development training efforts in Rajasthan, by creating an end-to-end, outcome-focused implementation framework, which aligns demands of the employers for a well-trained skilled workforce with aspirations of Indian citizens for sustainable livelihoods.

Building capacity of education to achieve sustainability & scalability, thereby enabling delivery of quality education.

To fulfill the growing need for skilled manpower across sectors and narrow the existing gap between the demand and supply of skills by ensuring a steady flow of skilled personnel and to reduce unemployment amongst the educated youth by equipping them with required skills, education and discipline for suitable industrial employment as well as self-employment.

The mission of AMERS is to empower the women & needy people of the society by providing them a gainful employment through skill trainings & livelihood enhancement.

Skills Challenge

1. Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development for any country.

2. The purpose of AMERS is to deal with existing manpower problems in the IT industry and create a pool of industry-ready, employable professionals thus increasing employment levels in the region.

3. Make a significant difference in the lives of the youth, whose only mistake is to have been born deprived of normal facilities and give them a second chance in life.

4. Guaranteeing the well-being, welfare and reintegration into society of the underprivileged youth and make them important contributors of our liberal and democratic society.

5. Our curricula in different technologies is framed only after extensive research so it embodies what is actually required in the real world. Theory classes are balanced with generous amounts of lab work and work on live projects to make our students a perfect fit in present day IT companies.

6. Support weaker and disadvantaged sections of society through focused outreach programmes and targeted skill development activities.

7. Propagate aspirational value of skilling among youth, by creating social awareness on value of skill training.

8. Align employer/industry demand and workforce productivity with trainees’ aspirations for sustainable livelihoods, by creating a framework for outcome focused training.

We stay focused on our 'Aim', 'Mission' & Values'

Skill Training Center| Placement Service | NSDC Training Center | Computer Courses | Beautician Courses | Tailoring Courses | Referral Services for Skilled Workers | National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) | Mega Skills | Vocational Training Centers | Telecom Sector Courses | Placement Drive | Training Export Marketing | Marketing & Financial Supports for SHG | Vocational Training Programs | Training Skill Supports | One - Stop Shop | Wage Eployement | Bank Linkage and Loaning Support | Hand Pump Repairing Courses | Skilled Workers & Unskilled Workers | Publicity & Awareness Programmes |Institute of skill Development | Placemnet Help Line Number 9828817027
Skill Training Center| Placement Service | NSDC Training Center | Computer Courses | Beautician Courses | Tailoring Courses | Referral Services for Skilled Workers | National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) | Mega Skills | Vocational Training Centers | Telecom Sector Courses | Placement Drive | Training Export Marketing | Marketing & Financial Supports for SHG | Vocational Training Programs | Training Skill Supports | One - Stop Shop | Wage Eployement | Bank Linkage and Loaning Support | Hand Pump Repairing Courses | Skilled Workers & Unskilled Workers | Publicity & Awareness Programmes |Institute of skill Development | Placemnet Help Line Number 9828817027
What's New
* " Skill Development Course for Unemployed Youth"
* " Job Registration Form for Unemployed Youths"
* " Vacant Jobs in Various Companies"
* " Selected Trainees for Software Skill Development"
* " Training Students for the Urban Poor"
* " Placement services for urban poor educated but unemployed students"
* " Job Solutions of Urban Poor"
* " Empowering Families"
* " Legal Education and Aid"
* " Registration & Photo ID"
* " Advanced Institute for Integrated Research on Child Healthcare and Medical Sciences"
* " Marketing / Sales outlets"
* " Careers and Jobs"
* " Skill Training and Employment"
* " Skills for Life"
* " Project Completion Certificate"
* " 30 day training programme organized by ARIDHIMA SOCIETY"
* " This programme creates new possibilities of skilling up vast numbers of workers"
* " New training formats suited to unique requirements of different trainee"
* " AMERS Society builds technical and life skill competence and helps young people find suitable employment"
* " AMERS Society regularly brings together prospective employers and youth through counseling camps, placement meets and interviews"
* " AMERS Society combines direct service delivery, advocacy, research and technical support in advancement of its work on issues of urban poor"
* " AMERS livelihood Centre vision is to become a leading agency working to ensure secure and dignified lives of communities dependent on labour"
* " Registration and Photo ID has helped the larger goal of creating a valid database of urban poor."
* " The Urban poor also lack information regarding the various opportunities/ benefits available to them via government and other programmes"
* " The collectives act as pressure groups for resolution of disputes with employers and step in with support for member workers in distress"
* " AMERS Society has initiated the Family Empowerment Progrmme to build capacities and leadership among women of urban poor by organizing them into"
* " these groups are led by a cadre of women volunteers who are trained and skilled in organizing women and reaching them relevant information and services"
* " The program seeks to build local capacities in way that puts women at the forefront of demand making on the public system"
* " Urban poor workers are part of India’s vast informal and unorganized economy"
* " The AMERS LEAD Cell organizes legal clinics at field centres where workers, contractors and employers are invited to settle their long standing disputes"
* " New Guidelines for Affordable Urban Poor students for jobs"
* " AMERS offers a comprehensive registration and Photo ID service"
* " AMERS’s Fire Students is authorized by the HO ULB. It is backed by a simple form which captures important demographic, occupational related information"
* " This simple yet powerful innovation has gone beyond being just a proof if identity- it is also serving as a gateway to several services for urban poor"
* " Registration and ID has helped the larger goal of creating a valid database of urban poor"
* " The Urban poor also lack information regarding the various opportunities/ benefits available to them"



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