Aims of Aridhima Medical Education and Research SocietyObjectives / Aims1. To Establish and operation of medical education and research institutions. 2. To Open the hospital for mentally disturb, physiological disturb, deaf and dumb. 3. To Open college and schools from preprimary to higher study level like engineering, nursing etc. 4. To Open the educational institutes for poor and orphan children and save then from child labor. 5. To Motivate the women for education and educate them. 6. To Assist in the process of social integration and personal realisation of underprivileged children, young people, adults and families. 7. To Endorse the human rights and in particular the rights of the children and young people as well as the rights of underprivileged groups and communities. 8. To Assist and cooperate central and state Govt in the work done through AMERS. 9. To Provide the health to the victims of natural calamities provide them medical and other aids and keep it continue. 10. To Open and maintain the houses for senior citizens. 11. To Provide the help to the widow and divorced women. 12. To Provide the shelter and medical treatment to birds and animals. 13. To Organize the medical and surgical camps in rural and urban area. 14. To Provide job and loan to poor children. 15. To Provide training and job to unemployed youths. |